What do OBAMA and WI CRICKET have In Common ?
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:50 pm
That photo(Obama going over the kaieteur falls) says it all!
Both Barack Obama and West Indies cricket are utter and complete failures, yet both share an amazing optimism.
There you have Obama in that photo admiring the skies as he leads the US to economic destruction, and the same can be said about the people running West Indies cricket---they are admiring the skies as West Indies cricket destructs even more.
West Indies cricket is also doomed. There is no coming back.
The 17 years West Indies ruled the cricket world(1978 to 1995) were an aberration. West Indies will never rule the cricket world again. Infact, West Indies will be bottom feeders(failures) for the remainder of the 21st century and most likely forever.
Pandit Rajaram
- Posts: 426
- Joined: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:05 pm
Pandit Rajaram wrote:
West Indies cricket is also doomed. There is no coming back.
The 17 years West Indies ruled the cricket world(1978 to 1995) were an aberration. West Indies will never rule the cricket world again. Infact, West Indies will be bottom feeders(failures) for the remainder of the 21st century and most likely forever.
maaaaan. you are sooooo right panditji about west indies 17 year rule being an aberration.
things are back to normal now. west indies will remain bottom feeders as you say for generations to come.
re: obama and west indies cricketers
massive egos and limited competence. that is what obama and wi cricketers have in common.
- Posts: 8507
- Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:07 pm
Nonsense! Obama is doomed to be a one-term president in all probabilty but not because he is incompetent. Obama is incompetent in no way at all!Pandit Rajaram wrote:
That photo(Obama going over the kaieteur falls) says it all!
Both Barack Obama and West Indies cricket are utter and complete failures, yet both share an amazing optimism.
There you have Obama in that photo admiring the skies as he leads the US to economic destruction, and the same can be said about the people running West Indies cricket---they are admiring the skies as West Indies cricket destructs even more.
West Indies cricket is also doomed. There is no coming back.
The 17 years West Indies ruled the cricket world(1978 to 1995) were an aberration. West Indies will never rule the cricket world again. Infact, West Indies will be bottom feeders(failures) for the remainder of the 21st century and most likely forever.
Pandit Rajaram
in the job Obama was made president to do he is most efficient and capable. he has carried out the program excellently, with flair and a flowered and silve tongue.
it apears that few understand this fact about Obama. and as Obama support is still pretty high for his utter failure from the peoples point of view...and the fact that he is the fair-haired boy of the status quo, treated swelll by the established lackey mainstream media, there is absolutely no certainty about this one term business...even if the democrats lose badly in next months election.
the way the american economy functions at the moment, its state of life, is the result of deliberate policy and plundering by the financial elite. that is what they intended and that is what they have created.
the question is what do they have planned for us next.
what does the blac prince expect when we have what is called capitalism as the basic principle upon which social life is organised. does the blac prince not know yet that the result of capiltalism is the absolute impoverishment of all save the rich..those for whom the system functions?
does the prince know there is no more argument about such a conclusion?
does he know that there is absolutely no way to make capitalism function any other way..and that now the financiers are in absolute confidence that they have the world by the tail, cannot be beaten or revolutionised anymore, play no more diplomatic games with the people, and are busy carrying through the work of the system, impoverishing everybody and setting up whatever kind of state they believe will allow them to keep their ill-gotten plunder forever?
Obama is just a sharp, skillful, heartless ambition who wanted to be at the top and sold his soul for the chance. Obama is a murderous dog of a puppet president who wanted to be just that, thats all. and what he has been asekd to do he has done very expertly indeed.
Obama is a criminal who if things suddenly went right against all evidence to the contrary, would be arrested and charged with heinous cricmes against humanity, tried, convicted and jailed out of sight. but not before those who pull his strings, who established the program Obama competently effects as president.
Obama is ah MC! thats what he is! but we have to see what he really is...not play around with fantasy as to what he is. INCOMPETENT HE IS NOT! A FOOL HE IS NOT! EVIL? HE IS..SANELY AND COMPETENTLY SO!
nutten is happening in america by mistake. the economy is no mistake. the state of the american economy is a planned thing. it will be made even worse in due course. just watch!
and all the while the banks and wall streeet will be declaring profits.
how.... is the question?
or does the blac prince as a money man himself know already, a broker and money man the prince...while pulling our leg about Obama?
Last edited by mapoui on Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 8507
- Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:07 pm
what appears to be abberrant in this current westindian decline is that there are none or just 1 or 2 players of Indian descent of test class.
something is seriously wrong with the westindies that this is in fact the case. it suggests that the westindian social malaise is comprehensive, total, encompassing the entire westindian population, although whites, chinese and Indians would beg to differ, while pointing their colletive 'fingah' at blac people!
but if we are to take historical trends into consideration, now should be Indian time in cricket, especially as Indians have made so many tracks in money and business.
if Indians have been a locked down discriminated against group in cricket...in any and all things, their talents unfairly limited.... when the social fetters are removed by their struggle and the decline of the power of their oppressors, the previously denied talent should surge forward to take up all the slack, to replace the declined and maitain previous standards, even taking them higher, forward to greater heights.
nature abhors a vaccumn and always has the talent, the replacement at hand that instantaneously fills in the void.
not in westindies cricket! the void yawns... while those who are supposed to fill it cant!?
there is somthing else then, available, around the chasm that can and will fill it...probably already has?
no vacumm is possible!
the question then would be..what indeed has filled up that hole?
I hope that its not something that after some gestation roars out and bites the westindies in de arse.
something is seriously wrong with the westindies that this is in fact the case. it suggests that the westindian social malaise is comprehensive, total, encompassing the entire westindian population, although whites, chinese and Indians would beg to differ, while pointing their colletive 'fingah' at blac people!
but if we are to take historical trends into consideration, now should be Indian time in cricket, especially as Indians have made so many tracks in money and business.
if Indians have been a locked down discriminated against group in cricket...in any and all things, their talents unfairly limited.... when the social fetters are removed by their struggle and the decline of the power of their oppressors, the previously denied talent should surge forward to take up all the slack, to replace the declined and maitain previous standards, even taking them higher, forward to greater heights.
nature abhors a vaccumn and always has the talent, the replacement at hand that instantaneously fills in the void.
not in westindies cricket! the void yawns... while those who are supposed to fill it cant!?
there is somthing else then, available, around the chasm that can and will fill it...probably already has?
no vacumm is possible!
the question then would be..what indeed has filled up that hole?
I hope that its not something that after some gestation roars out and bites the westindies in de arse.
- Posts: 8507
- Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:07 pm
{when yuh want a candidate elected you put up an impossible second or more candidates who people would not touch with ten foot poles.
so Obama was helped to get elected. if next time they put up Palin it would be like McCain all over again. no competition..a second Obama term}
so Obama was helped to get elected. if next time they put up Palin it would be like McCain all over again. no competition..a second Obama term}
- Posts: 8507
- Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:07 pm
from what I understand Rajaram is a stock broker, a financial man. if he is that fella how can he criticise Obama who is minding the worlds financial store as if his life depended on it. and it prolly does! literally!
the first thing Obama did as president was to thief 13-20 trillions of the peoples money and give to the banks so that wall street could continue and rajaram keep his life in order?
so how can he criticise Obama!?
about the condition of america and its economic destruction...who cares! certainly not the people who brought america to where it is now and getting worse.
it is not as if the state and condition of america/americans is a priority to them, as long as there is money for weapons and military to keep the world in order, fight wars that keeps the weapons systems and money flowing...killing-off unnecessary numbers of amricans by military conscription and millions of unwanted people of colour the world over..brown and blac-skin people.
that is the plan of the american elite as we see it unfolding around us. endless war and terror for all the money purposes as well as social control and population reduction....population control by control of health services which in western countries now dispences death.
dont get sick and have to go to a hospital, you prolly will come out through the shiping and receiving door, relieved of your organs to be sold for hundereds of thousands to always available buyers.
{thats the main business of hospitals now, allowing people to die if not killing them directly and taking their organs. talk about making money from nothing!
then there is the food question..food that is increasingly controlled, access to alternatives to the factory produced poisoned food denied and the people destroyed by the shit that fills up supermarkets everywhere that passes for food}
who the eff gives fcuk if american bridegs are falling apart, schools likewise, no teachers to teach, edcuation effed-up, unemployment rampant and growing? isnt that what the plan is?
and Obama is expert in effecting all this, puttng americans to sleep..especially blacs...while america is plundered...while the world is plundered and beaten to a pulp militarily.
as a financial man Rajaram must know what banking is all about and the total deleterious effect it has on society. as long as there is capitalism-debt production, society must end up one way...ALL THE MONEY AND WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO EXTEND DEBT, WHOSE BUSINESS IT IS TO CONTRACT DEBT, TAKING INTEREST OFF MONEY FOR ANY AND ALL TRANSACTIONS AND SERVICES.
and as Rajaram must know all this given his profession, why is he in attack on Obama as inefficient, incompetent and leading america to destruction..when the evil MF Obama is not in fact that way but the opposite, in carrying out the plans of the elites..which is exactly what Rajaram sees the destruction of not only america but the world?
the powers that be intends to remake the world in ways exactly coresponding to the way they want it. and Obama is the most exxpert and evil muther of an american president yet produced in the accomplishment of this project.
and to deal with Obama effectively the people must see Obama for what he is, precisely, as a deliberate purposeful capapable, totally expert and evil muther-facter and go after him with the same precison and detrmination or the people will lose, remain sedated by this devil in disguise.
its obvious Obama was elected by the elites to do exactly what he is doing so well. and Rajaram does not suffer by it in any way at all. so why is he attacking Obama..especially in that silly, fantastic manner?
interesting! come in Rajaram! I bet he ignores this thread totally now, although he started it! dats right ignore mapoui. refuse to take the time to tear his commments apartt totally....
the first thing Obama did as president was to thief 13-20 trillions of the peoples money and give to the banks so that wall street could continue and rajaram keep his life in order?
so how can he criticise Obama!?
about the condition of america and its economic destruction...who cares! certainly not the people who brought america to where it is now and getting worse.
it is not as if the state and condition of america/americans is a priority to them, as long as there is money for weapons and military to keep the world in order, fight wars that keeps the weapons systems and money flowing...killing-off unnecessary numbers of amricans by military conscription and millions of unwanted people of colour the world over..brown and blac-skin people.
that is the plan of the american elite as we see it unfolding around us. endless war and terror for all the money purposes as well as social control and population reduction....population control by control of health services which in western countries now dispences death.
dont get sick and have to go to a hospital, you prolly will come out through the shiping and receiving door, relieved of your organs to be sold for hundereds of thousands to always available buyers.
{thats the main business of hospitals now, allowing people to die if not killing them directly and taking their organs. talk about making money from nothing!
then there is the food question..food that is increasingly controlled, access to alternatives to the factory produced poisoned food denied and the people destroyed by the shit that fills up supermarkets everywhere that passes for food}
who the eff gives fcuk if american bridegs are falling apart, schools likewise, no teachers to teach, edcuation effed-up, unemployment rampant and growing? isnt that what the plan is?
and Obama is expert in effecting all this, puttng americans to sleep..especially blacs...while america is plundered...while the world is plundered and beaten to a pulp militarily.
as a financial man Rajaram must know what banking is all about and the total deleterious effect it has on society. as long as there is capitalism-debt production, society must end up one way...ALL THE MONEY AND WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO EXTEND DEBT, WHOSE BUSINESS IT IS TO CONTRACT DEBT, TAKING INTEREST OFF MONEY FOR ANY AND ALL TRANSACTIONS AND SERVICES.
and as Rajaram must know all this given his profession, why is he in attack on Obama as inefficient, incompetent and leading america to destruction..when the evil MF Obama is not in fact that way but the opposite, in carrying out the plans of the elites..which is exactly what Rajaram sees the destruction of not only america but the world?
the powers that be intends to remake the world in ways exactly coresponding to the way they want it. and Obama is the most exxpert and evil muther of an american president yet produced in the accomplishment of this project.
and to deal with Obama effectively the people must see Obama for what he is, precisely, as a deliberate purposeful capapable, totally expert and evil muther-facter and go after him with the same precison and detrmination or the people will lose, remain sedated by this devil in disguise.
its obvious Obama was elected by the elites to do exactly what he is doing so well. and Rajaram does not suffer by it in any way at all. so why is he attacking Obama..especially in that silly, fantastic manner?
interesting! come in Rajaram! I bet he ignores this thread totally now, although he started it! dats right ignore mapoui. refuse to take the time to tear his commments apartt totally....