BallOil wrote:just looking for the needle in the haystack... Enlighten we nah
there is no needle! there never is a needle but always process, the process of life , contradictory, complex, intepenetrative and interdependent as to causation, results.
we have had an experience that has produced our reality up to this point. it has been a contradictory experience in which all the particularities are obvious. it has been a dominant/subordinate experince as is always the case in processes becuase of its contradictory nature, which drives the process to resolution which case it gives rise to a new process with its own contradictory movement impelling it towards resolution.
we have to study out our experience, from what it rose and what gave it its peculair flavour and nature, its dominat/sub relationship and its nature, to understand who we are our current situation and what must be done to meet our universals..survival, security and the human development that achieves and maintians amd enhances survival, security.
it follows that resolution means a transformation of the dom/sub relationship at the basis of things, which is why ultimately the people must rise for only they as social protagonist can achieve the transformation essential for progress. process grows up, the contradiciton evolves, the dom becomes old, the sub is the new...the new replaces the old and a new process evolves which is what the transformation is, with a new contradiction, new features different from the old, requiring ultimately an altered process of resolution consistent with what the new gives rise to, contains in itself as evolved from the old.
the process is interdependent and contradictory at one and the same time yet evolving, changing all the time accoridng to the laws of matter in motion and the various nature and conditions of the existence of matter in motion..the relavant organisations of matter in motion.......
well it can be a long story but there is no needle and we go by what we know... and we know due to constant change due to the constanrt motion of things we must always factualise things, know for certain whats going on so we have to study life and act and study again and act again etc. an ongoing process.
we come to know certain fundamentals which while temporry in nature as all things are, are all the same of a traditional nature due to their lengh, and essential nature of current survival which is all that matters. there is no future if no survival.
what do we know fundamentally about westindian reality?
we know our history, our experienc and what it produced. from that we can infer all about the world and our selves, other prople, the species as a whole and what life actually is, what we are composed of..the nature of old and new, matter in motion, which is the constituent nature of matter, up and down, directions, time etc.
we come to know cause and effect, as cause and effect, cause and effect, and effect as cause. we know if we are not a certain way, if we do not act a certain way or act a certain way, what the potential results are.
we know if we are not thinking for ourselves our physical capacity for such will atrophy. why it is impootant we for us to be able to think for ourselves?
we come to know the dialectical nature of all that exists which is always relative to the thing itself in the world as the world has been and is, which gave rise to all things in it which are all relative for nowhere else in the univesre will things be the same although we can postulate that there are process going on everywhere too, based on what we have come to know of how own world world came about is constitutued and its potential future.... for this is the way of nature, universally, although relatively so, disciplined by universal regional condtions. all there will be different from all here because of the conditions that exists wherever.
so again we know our westindian experience and although there are enddless possibilities on any basis, theme possibility etc., all still remain relative. we can be certain in our specific temporality if we do not do what we discover to be right and consistent with the best possibilities of our being now there are consequences.
that is the process again. there is always motion and motion is always necessary..motion is the condition of existence of mater. if one thing does not happen something else capable of happening at that point will happen.
reducing it to the individual and his social organism you have an idea what you must do, you have some certainties and you do live according to them. but there is a requirement for the mind to be full of truth, to function on truth which is the content of what i have tried to say. yet there is a content out there that is the content of the general mind that has little to do with this, what i call valid, real. truth, essential for survival.
in the case of the westindies as well as all people survival is crucial for there is nothing human if we do not survive. we must therefore come to know process, nature with the view of turning existence into our favour, from the contradictory relationship we have with nature. we are off nature yet nature tries to kill us all the time, succeeding ultimately.
survival being then from the social evolution of the species, from primitive to awareness to our current state, from a state of immatureity, we must transform ourselves to mature, we have grown to a point from which we can see a possible mature state of being as possible and crucial to achieve, for indefinite survival that we now have a chance to achive such a state of being. and that depends entirely on revolutionary transformation of our current social organisation
we now know the proceess now by which and how nature works, the proceesss of social evoution, and we can facilitate our survival currently more effectively than ever before by deepening immeasurably our knowledge of nature.
we know that the final stage of human social immaturity is capitalism/capitalist monoply which we have arived in the middle of and once that is overcome by the general wil, general revolutionary social transformation, the transforation of the contradition in the process of exploitative phase of human evolution will result in or evolve into a social process that is not antagonistc and violent and that all further change would of necessity involve social contradictions of a milder quality, in which social change will no longer require, call for or involve violent revolutionary activity.
the westindies must deal with the consequencs of its history as all nations and regions must. we know what has happened, all that is involved and the choices to be made. if one choice is made or not made we have an idea or know what can and likely will happen to a resonable distance into the tuture, beyond which no one can predict.
but this is just one small scratch on the surface on this particulay body of thinking. it is factual, most certainy the way to go for an understanding of life to this point. the great thinkes and researches go on, helping to clarify things. I read as many as I have time to read using my own experience as guidline.
I do know that it is critical for society to arrive at a point at which the social/cultural systems must produce well educated in the truth, proven information, on any day, citizens capablabe of participating fully in their social process up to the hignhest levels, independent and made so by systematic democratic distribution of employment and all social requirements and amenities....the results of work...the means of general of security.
the material part is easy for our technological development makes it easier every day now to provide for all the people on the planet, even twice the global population we now have.
the problenm is how to get from our final stage of immaturity..capitalist financial monopoly... to the saving democracy we must achieve to go on. t
hat depends on the continuing struggle of ordinary people for a proper social life and seci=urity, and our total success in overturning our social contradiction, the basic contradiction of our stage of social evolution and transforming social reality into a postive democracy.
in the westindies as everywhere it up to us. ordinary folk in our struggle for security, one of the universals, traditionals.... that exists with us and wont exist if we are not here. if we are all dead we do not need security of an earthly kind