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Heres Deepak Tripathi! I Made This Case Already

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:11 am
by mapoui" onclick=";return false;

Re: Heres Deepak Tripathi! I Made This Case Already

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:10 am
by mapoui
at this point it is possible to remind why i was banned at Tripathi outlines the state of Indian politics and leadership at this time.

of course the old and fetid sexuality of google and cacabelly had soemthng to do with it, but obly as that sexuality is another side of the coin the real face of whcih is Indian nationalism of the rancid kind that Trapathi warns of.

critical of Obama and Jews as I am I did not enamour myself with cacabelly and googs, who as rancid Indian nationalist are firmly in the jewish/obama corner, as Indian rightwing believes its bread will be buttered in a subservient relatiohsip with america/israel...and caca and googs are nothng if not Indian rightwing, and n the case of cacabelly at least, very elitist too.

those 2 prolly could not stand my atttudie to Obama and the jews and took it upon themselves to defend those quarters by attacking me.

but like all who subscribe to rightwing idologies of whatever stripe they are nuts as in rightwing-nuts...wing-nuts..for these, so blided by ideals cannot see the forest for the trees.

should India persist in its idiotic idealistc imperial dreams its future is dire indeed. already such dreams and ideology has led India into deals and a relationship with the devil himself Israel. India's future cannot be but servant to to the Jews if this relationship deepens. no other relationship is possible between goy and Jews, save a servant overlord relationship.

such as caca and googs believes America/Israel will rid them of their Pakistan muslim problem ..a pipe dream, for there is another problem India in an imperial mode has, China...and ultimately Israel-America the great imperialist themselves.

can america free India of China as it frees India of pakistan?

that is hardly likely or possible. and why would not America/Israel not be concerned about Indian growth potential as a countervailing and competitive superpower imperialist state and act to curtail and pre-empt that potential early o'clock?

Indian dreams of developing into a world power on the scale of the old empires is a pipe dream, one that is going to cost India great greif in coming years. caca and googley will be sorely disppointed! but they must take care that India does not get destroyed in the process for there are those would love nothign better than to see India destroyed...all the better if it happens between india and China and those two take each other out.

and against China it already appears that Indian does have a semblace of a chance in war given what is known outsdie of Chinas military capabilities. it already appears likely that even the americans are not ahead of china despite all the talk of american huge military spening and most sophistcated military etc. it depends on the bang one gets for the buck and it apears that China has been getting one hell of a bang from every buck.

americas military spending is beginning to look like a bloated pork-barrelling scheme that delives not state of the art weaponry but unreliable systems that can do far less than they are touted to do.

china on the other hand appear to be super efficient and very advanced indeed, especiall in aicraft, producing planes that can enter space and re-enter earths orbit at will, a speeds unknown before.

and who knows what the hell else the chinese have produced in those vast underground cities of theirs..cities they have been building for 60 years now ever since the early days whn they feared nuclear attack by the combined might of the white America and Russia in tandem against yellow China. it would be silly to think that those developing those cities would have stopped due to their re-newed 'friendship' with Russia and the nuclear parity they have developed.

Indias best hope is indentification with the progressive forces in the world against imperialism and for indpendence and nationalist self-determinism in international affairs