Separate sections for cricket?

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I think that one of the weaknesses of is that all cricket is lumped together....

One of the advantages of a phpBB board is that you can create sub-forums.

Would you consider having separate sections within the cricket forum?

For example, the sub-divisions could be....

1) International Cricket
2) Live Matches
3) Domestic Cricket
4) 20/20 cricket

Like here....

Just a suggestion....
You can take it or leave it.
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thanks for your input, will look into it... Your feedback is much appreciated 8-)

BTW, Nice site you have there... 8-)
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I just wanted to share some thoughts.

If you did this, it could be one of the features that you offered which was slightly different from what has.
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Thanks for sharing, you are an invaluable member here 8-) I've implemented a few changes... What do you think of it?

Please note that we are a dynamic community... So please keep em coming 8-)
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Great to see each Island has a spot for local cricket news how about one for political news, news from the island same format in Buss a lime section...
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socafighter wrote:Great to see each Island has a spot for local cricket news how about one for political news, news from the island same format in Buss a lime section...

Excellent idea Socafighter.... will add a Political news section and see if we need to break it down more...

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